Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Biomechanics of the Golf Swing is an Important Concept Not to Overlook

The Biomechanics of the Golf Swing is an Important Concept Not to Overlook

The biomechanics of the golf swing refers to your exact movements as well as your body motion you take when you swing the golf club. In order to hit the ball far and accurately, using the appropriate biomechanics is going to be essential. Once you have worked on your biomechanics you will begin to be more confident on the golf course which will enabled you to score better.
Below you will find some important tips on the Biomechanics of the Golf Swing. By learning and implementing these golf swing body motions and concepts, you will begin to improve your golf game, which should allow you to have more fun during your next round of golf.
* You need to realize that balance is an essential part of your golf swing biomechanics. To help you achieve good balance, start with a sturdy swing foundation when you address the ball. Space your feet a little more than shoulder’s width apart and let your arms hang comfortably when you are setting up to the ball. Make sure you don’t reach forward towards the golf ball or have your arms too close to your body.
* You need to pay attention to your swing plane. An even swing plane that consistently follows the same arc with every swing is a key to having a good golf swing.

* Make sure to keep a consistent swing speed, which is an essential part of the Biomechanics of the Golf Swing. This will help with your golf swing rhythm, and you should aim to have the same rhythm no matter what golf club you are using. Remember, when you increase golf swing speed you will also increase ball flight distance, but you should never swing so fast that it causes you to lose your balance.
* The biomechanics of the golf swing is determined by your body working together as a whole and it is the core of your body that will be the key in your swing movement. Your arms, wrists, shoulders, or hips are not where you should concentrate when working on your biomechanics. You should work on your core body movement and coordination of all body parts involved in your golf swing.
* Biomechanics of your golf swing will be improved if your body is in good shape. Try some exercises that are specifically designed to help a golfer tone the right areas for improving his golf game. You need to be concentrating on your flexibility and strength when participating in golf exercises. Another key to remember is to always stretch immediately before your round of golf, which can greatly improve your golf swing performance.

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A Golf Swing Fix – Yours Can Be Fixed!

A Golf Swing Fix – Yours Can Be Fixed!

A golf swing fix! Can yours really be fixed? Yes, it can. Are you one of those golfers who love to play the game for fun? Are you a amateur, but you participate in tournaments? Are you a pro? It doesn’t matter what stage in golf you are in, you can increase your swing by 20 yards. Doesn’t that sound great? Hold on partner, there are tips that you need to follow to increase your swing and below are some of them:
* Did you know that there is something that is called the golfers single biggest good swing killer. This is where you make your biggest mistake in your swing, but it can be corrected.
* Another mistake 99% of golfers make is the way they practice. Once, this mistake is corrected you won’t even have to go to the driving range to practice.
* You have to really open your eyes when you see the pro golfers swing, because copying them will definately fix your swing.

* 80% of golfers do not know how to really drive the ball with power. You must know how to do this in order to have a golf swing fix.
* You have to correct a misperception that 80% of golfers have about where the power really comes from in the golf swing.
The key to fixing your golf swing is getting the tools you need. Applying what you have learned. It is that simple. If I can do it, and my swing was compared to Charles Barkeley, lol. Then anybody can do it! If you really want to get the swing you have always wanted then follow these tips that I have outlined. You will be able to turn around your golf career or if you are just playing for fun, everyone will be envious of your swing.

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Prototype of the Modern Golf Rules – 13 Original Golf Rules

Early prototype of the modern game of golf in Scotland in the 13-14 century appear. Now we know who can not prepare, the original shepherd is what the specific rules of the game. Until the mid 18th century the first golf only written rules, which is now well-known “Golf is the most primitive of the 13 military regulations.”
On the tee it’s more important than ever to hit the fairway with your drive. If you’re first off the tee, hitting a good drive increases the pressure on your opponent to also hit a good drive. And vice versa. If you hit a bad drive, that takes the pressure off your opponent. And vice versa. The object is to apply pressure as much as possible during the match.
On the fairway you need to be aware of where your opponent is and what his or her score is on the hole at all times. Keep in mind those golf lessons that tell you to maintain focus. You can hit a bad shot on the hole and still not lose the hole if your opponent also hits a bad shot. In fact, you can shoot an 8 on a hole and win the hole, if your opponent shoots a 9. The key to winning a hole in match play is knowing where your opponent stands on the hole and not panicking if he or she hits a good shot. The next shot could be out of bounds.
On the green, how aggressive you are on any putt depends on where youropponent is, where you are, and where you stand on the hole. Normally, ifyou had a difficult down hill putt, you’d play the shot conservatively, so as to not slip ten feet past the hole and cost yourself additional strokes. That’s what most golf tips emphasize. In match play, where your opponent is and what his or her score is dictates putting strategy.
If your opponent is lying 3 and is five inches from the hole, chances are he or she is going to sink the putt for a 4. If you’re lying 3, you need to sink the putt to tie your opponent for the hole, so you might as well be aggressive with it.
On the other hand, if your opponent is lying 3 and is twenty feet from the hole, you might as well play that downhill putt more conservatively, if you are also laying 3. You don’t want to run the ball 10 feet past the hole. It could cost you an additional stroke or two and, quite possibly, the hole. Always know where your opponent is on the green and what he or she is shootingbefore deciding on your putting strategy.
This version of the rule is also called Leith rules, because it is a regional player Leith Edinburgh, Scotland, work out. The original purpose of the rules, for 1744 the annual Edinburgh Silver Club Challenge. Text version of the world’s first birth of the rules of golf, the Royal and Ancient Golf Club (R & A) the establishment of even 10 years earlier. In fact, in today’s golf rules, which can be found in many parts of the original rule 13 of the shadow. Once you takeCallaway RAZR Hawk Fairway Wood, you must abide by the rules.
Rule number one: You have a club length away from the hole within the kick-off;
Rule number two: Your Tee must be on the ground;
Rule number three: do not allow replacement of golf in the game;
Rule Four: Can not play convenience to move stones, bones, twigs, etc., except in the hole on the greens, but only clear the ball from a wide area;

Rule Seven: pushing the ball in the hole, we should honestly play my game, not to do little tricks, such as the ball hit the other side to make their own ball;
Rule Eight: If your ball is lost, you have to hit the ball back to the place where the last call a ball, while allowing opponents a;
Rule Nine: pushing the ball in the hole, does not allow any person with a club or other items to identify his pitch;
Rule Ten: If the ball is any person, horse, dog or any other things that are blocked, the ball should continue to play under the existing state; The new TaylorMade R11 Driver is definitely one of a kind.
Rule Eleven: If the case for the purpose of batting swing, club breakage or damage caused batting failure, this shot should be counted as a hit;
Rule Twelve: The player farthest from the hole should be the first to hit the ball;
Rule Thirteen: links course for the protection of ditches, trenches and dams, which are not regarded as pitch barrier. Ball can be removed from, and be hit with any irons. What do you think of the PING G15 Driver? Does it look good for you?
Since then, the rules of golf continue to be modified and improved, 1897, R & A rules set up a special committee to formulate the detailed rules of the game. From 1952, the world’s two major golf organizations – R & A and USGA held a special meeting every two years, their version of the rules of coordination and unity

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Golf Tips Golf Swing

The increasingly popular game of golf can be described as one of the hardest and most frustrating games on the planet. And at the same time can be both an enjoyable and relaxing experience. The thing that most golfers have in common is that just when you think you’ve mastered the art of the game, new problems begin to occur leaving you to re-think your entire golfing strategy. The golf swing for example is one of the hardest things to get right when playing golf.
One day it can be fine and the next you can barely hit it off the tee. Why is this?
It could be one of many reasons, the most common being is that you probably altered a part of your swing or setup without even realizing it. Any slight change in anyone’s golf swing can have a huge impact on their game and before you know it you can find yourself in all sorts of trouble.
Below are a few golf tips that most players will find very helpful when it comes to improving their golf swing and overall game:
1. The Golf Grip
The first and one of the most important things every golfer needs to play golf is a good grip. The best tip for a good golf grip is to hold the club quite firm but not too tight. This will give you some freedom and movement and will allow you to swing with ease allowing for a better more relaxed golf swing.
2. The Golf Stance
Probably the most overlooked aspect of the golf game is the stance. The best advice on this matter is simply to make sure that your entire body (eyes, shoulders, forearms, hips, knees and feet) are parallel to the target line where you wish to hit your golf shot.

Posture is also a key factor to your golf stance. Always make sure you bend forward from the waist and keeping your spine as straight as possible. A good tip for this is to lift your head up a little bit so you have to look down your nose at the ball. This is a great way to keep your back that little bit straighter and create better golf shots.
And lastly keep your knees slightly bent with your weight on the balls of your feet to ensure good balance.
3. The Golf Swing
A great golf swing tip is to always remember to swing through the ball and not at it. Doing this will achieve greater extension through your golf shot making for an overall better swing.
A mistake some golfers can make is swinging their club to hard thinking that the ball will travel further. The truth is that a more relaxed swing creates greater club head speed allowing the ball to travel further. Swinging hard causes the body to tense making it a nightmare in some cases to hit a good golf shot.
Overall the best way to achieve results in golf is to believe in your ability and knowledge of the game.
Try not to over think everything, relax and just enjoy playing the game of golf.

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Improve Your Golf Swing Speed Today

Improve Your Golf Swing Speed Today

Although many of these great techniques are quite viable, specifically taking lessons from a certified PGA professional, players need to gain an understanding of what golf basics are needed to improve a swing speed.

Speed Arrives With Basic Skills Improvement

Any increase in a player's a golf swing speed can be accomplished when certain basic skills are improved. These would include stance and alignment, correct coordination of the different body parts used in a swing and knowing the right club to choose for a specific shot. First off, the golf stance and alignment have a great impact upon swing speed. Stance is not for looking good out on the course in front of your playing buddies. The proper posture when swinging a club will produce better speed.

Speeding Up the Swing Speed

In order to swing with desired speed, a player needs to coordinate the involvement of several body parts starting at the bottom with the feet, thighs, arms, wrists and the entire upper body. Each part of the body needs to be coordinated so a full swing is enacted. Many newbies concentrate on a specific area such as the wrists and arms believing these are more important for developing swing speed. However, the truth is that all body parts involved in the swing – including the brain – are important to produce a swing that gets the desired results.

There Are Specific Aspects Using Each Club

The reason golf includes a variety of different clubs is each is specifically designed for a certain shot. Plus, a golf swing will vary depending upon the type of club used since in any player’s bag will be found a selection of irons, woods and a putter. A player needs to know the purpose and use for every club carried.

Technique Produces Speed

Improving golf swing speed can also be accomplished through techniques which vary from one person to another. Just take a look at the pros. Different stances and different grips are employed throughout the professional ranks when individuals grab the same club. Although both golfers playing a round may be hitting a 7-iron form the same area, both swings will be unique. Therefore, imitating another person who displays excellent the golf swing speed is not an option since each swing is different. Every player needs to create their own unique swing to produce the needed speed.

It is Not About Power

Playing successful low-scoring golf has nothing to do with body strength. Learning to adapt the proper golf swing speed is not a matter of strength or body size. It does come down to developing a swing that will maximize the power transferred from the club to the ball making it fly straight and long or in the desired direction to the target selected. Although some very strong golfers can whack the living daylights out of a ball, strategy and correct posture are more important.

Increasing golf swing speed can be accomplished no matter strength and size a player happens to be.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Golf Tips: A Solid Hold

Since Summer is upon us, the grass is growing actively and harassing us around the golf course, especially around the green. So here I am to introduce you how to have a solid hold when golfing.
This swing technique is called “Hinge and Hold” because the backswing calls for an immediate hinging of the wrists and the downswing demands holding the angles through impact. To gain a solid hold,it is also important to buy a suitable golf iron set for yourself.
The Hinge and Hold is a very useful shot and nobody is better at it than Phil Mickelson. Not only can this shot help your short game, it is a great building block to a better full swing as well. At the Tour Academies, we often use the Hinge and Hold to help train the proper impact conditions before building the swing to its full motion.
Before traning,you have to make a preparation. Open the face slightly with the shaft angled toward the target, the end of the grip just forward of the belt buckle. Between 60 and 70 percent of your weight should be on your lead foot. There is very little if any weight shift during the backswing.
Hinge your wrists immediately, getting the clubhead slightly higher than your hands, with minimal arm swing, this creates a steeper more V shaped swing than a U shaped swing, this is crucial to help extricate the ball out of those buried lies. When transitioning to the downswing there are a couple of characteristics you want to have to help you execute.
 Both characteristics are closely related. First maintain the angle or bend in your trail wrist, you created it when you hinged your wrists immediately to take the golf clubs away. If you maintain this angle it will allow your upper body to rotate toward your target, promoting a descending, accelerating blow. The wrists and hands are very quiet after their initial hinge. Use your upper body to get the speed and stability you need and keep that trail wrist bent.
Your finish position will be a short, low finish, telling you that the hands didn’t flip the club high up in the air. The clubhead should be below your hands in the finish.
I hope this passage will help you achieve better result in your golf career. Next time you go to the court,remmber to practice the above-mentioned tips.

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Some Useful Golf Rules

Some Useful Golf Rules

Playing golf, you must make the rules clear. There are many rules for playing golf, just like some other sports. But I want to introduce the rules of Golf FAQ here. ?As continued as the amateur tries to hit the ball, it doesn’t amount whether the amateur absolutely hits it or not. Absorbed is the key.
So back an amateur takes a beat with the absorbed of hitting the ball, it’s an achievement alike if the amateur whiffs.
There are affairs in which a beat does not aftereffect in a stroke. For example, if a amateur takes his or her backswing, but stops discount golf clubs afore it would accept fabricated acquaintance with the ball, it is not a stroke.
The analogue of “stroke” from the USGA Rules of Golf is this:
“A ’stroke’ is the advanced movement of the club fabricated with the ambition of adequately arresting at and affective the ball, but if a amateur checks his declivity voluntarily afore the club head alcove the brawl he is accounted not to accept fabricated a stroke.”
My friend, do you clear about the rules of golf? If not, please learn it.

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Golfers in Ireland

Golfers in Ireland
How to be an Ireland golfer is not as the other place golfers. For there are many limited conditions for being a good Ireland golfer. An Ireland golf vacation is appropriate ? different alike ? don?t absence the adventitious to come.
There is no bigger abode to comedy golf in the accomplished apple than in Ireland. You ability is to feel the Atlantic breeze tugging at your sweater as you boat your way amid the aerial beach dunes on a littoral links. Or you may adopt the abundant and affluent emerald blooming of a civil affirmation brindled with argent bunkers and annual banks. All of this and added is actuality for you if you affliction to adventure on an Ireland golf vacation.
Ireland has consistently created abundant golfers and contempt Ryder Cup matches accept angry on the abilities (and, perhaps, the allegorical luck) of the Irish. The abutting Ryder Cup will be played in Ireland and common absorption in visiting this best affable of islands has never been greater. The Ryder cup at the K club abreast Dublin promises to be the best organized and best blood-tingling accident on the wholesale golf clubs.
For abounding visitors to Ireland or Scotland the adventitious to comedy on an age-old bank links advance is an ample allotment of the attraction. But links golf does accommodate a different acquaintance and will analysis both your backbone and your golf bold in a way absolutely clashing annihilation you ability accept advanced experienced. The wind has the arresting adroitness of consistently alarming in your face ? no amount what administration you?re facing.
Walking is the rule. This is partly to assure the courses and partly because the area would accomplish it absurd to drive a buggy safely. Some of the beyond added celebrated courses may accept caddies accessible.
One of the joys of an Ireland golf vacation is that alike the grandest of the courses and clubs will acceptable visitors. Book advanced to ensure a tee time and appointment the website of the club advanced of your visit. Get a feel for bounded rules about dress and etiquette. Pick an advantageous shamrock, balmy yourself with a bead of bounded whiskey and beat abroad for the bold of your life.
If you want to be the Ireland golfer, the above knowledge you must get, and try your best to make it!

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Features of Callaway FT-i Draw Driver

The Callaway FT-i Draw disciplinarian is a square-shaped disciplinarian and utilizes Callaway’’s Fusion Technology. This aggregate allows weight to be broadcast to the far corners of the clubhead for unparalleled attrition to twisting, authoritative it one of the best abnormal and authentic drivers to date.
Fusion Technology: Creates maximum perimeter weighting and more discretionary weight by combining a carbon composite body with the titanium face cup, allowing for precise positioning of the CG (center of gravity) to generate the straightest drives possible
All Titanium: 460cc titanium drivers have made great improvements in stability and MOI. However, the weight of titanium virtually eliminates discretionary weight distribution, which is available in the FT-i driver.
Carbon Composite Body: Using materials significantly lighter than titanium creates discretionary mass that is distributed to the extreme perimeter, resulting in increased stability and longer, straighter bombs down the fairway.
CT/VFT Titanium Cup Face: Callaway’s largest, here also an other fancy callaway irons-callaway x24 hot irons is the hottest face for increased ball speed on shots hit all over the face.
Happy blogging!

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Friday, November 11, 2011

How Your Language Manage Your Mind In Golf

Attention golfers! Is it not about time you minded your language?

I am sure we have all come across players on the course who are shall we say, are colourful at best and downright rude at worst about your game, with their language. But they are not your biggest critic are they? No, why have to wait for someone else to randomly come along and criticise your backswing with your golf clubs for sale, or your putting grip when you have a ready -made ‘in house’ individual who does that for you, for free!

Oh, but wait a minute. Seems there is no real need to send that off to the local recruitment agency, we all know someone who is just perfect for the job, albeit with a little re-training first. In order to get to a place where you can experience golf with discount golf clubs at a level which is closer to your potential, is it not about time you took your internal cheerleader to one side and reminded him/her of their true responsibility. Remind them, that in the past, they may have been somewhat disloyal and it needs to stop now or they are out of a job. You are in charge of your own game so ensure everyone you recruit is on your side, constantly.

All the money, time and effort you spend on grooving your swing, updating your equipment and investing in coaching lessons could be spent even wiser, by sacking your poorly informed cheerleader and starting an instant recruitment programme for a new internal fan. Perhaps you could write down the job description and post it off as soon as possible or at least before your next game.

? Must have a good rounded knowledge of you and your game
? Will accept you exactly as you are, after all you’re pretty fantastic already
? Understand that the job requires very limited talking
? Will judge good and poor shots with an even and equal hand
? Can resist joining in when others start being less than complimentary

So next time you are out on the course, on the range or even travelling to the club with wholesale golf clubs for a game, keep an ear open for this internal individual. If they are supportive, accepting, willing to learn and ready to explore all the opportunities that lie ahead, then they are in. If they are harsh, sneaky, underhand and sound like a broken record, well, you know what you have to do.
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When Confronted With Golf Slice, What Can I Do?

I once suffered from a golf slice using my golf clubs for sale and tried absolutely everything to fix it until I eventually got to stage where I just gave up in frustration and accepted that it was just a part of my game.

It’s funny though, how solutions can come your way when you least expect them and that’s exactly what happened to me one day while playing with a golfer I’d never played with before who gave me just a few simple tips that ultimately fixed my slice and allowed me to find the fairway again.

Therefore what he taught me was this. Holding discount golf clubs, It all starts at the top of your backswing. Firstly you must have your shoulders square with the target, the club pointing at the target, your right elbow close to your right side and your wrists cocked with the palm of your right hand pointed at (or facing) the sky.

You may need to practice this but if you haven’t got the dexterity to swivel your hips so your shoulders are square with the target then don’t over do this as it’s not essential. You don’t want to pull a muscle or cause an injury so don’t over do it.

Then as you commence your downswing there are only two things you need to concentrate on (apart from hitting the ball of course). First you need to concentrate on keeping your wrists cocked during the downswing. Don’t consciously release them as you’ll find that you won’t be able to keep them cocked anyway because of the natural mechanics of your body. If you try and resist them from releasing you will find that they will release all by themselves which will hopefully when be when they should release anyway.

Give it a try and see how you go. It worked for me, now an ex serial slicer, but like I said I can’t guarantee it will work for you but if you’re as desperate as I was to cure your golf slice then I suppose it couldn’t hurt to try. Here’s to your success.

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Are You Tense When You Standing before The First Tee?

In fact, if you look back at Tigers’ performance on the first hole in a major over the last 8 years it’s absolutely dreadful. So what does that tell me? Even the best golfer in the world needs to learn how to control the first tee jitters.

Numerous articles have been written on this subject, all including different theories as to the “cure,” so all I can do is relate to you how I personally have been able to reduce what basically amounts to fear or a nicer way of putting it, anxiety. It’s funny but for many years I could be banging balls off the back net on the driving range with the golf clubs for sale driver. And then when I stepped onto the first tee, with my tail now firmly between my legs, I’d have changed to a 3-wood or iron because I was now scared /anxious to use the driver.

Honestly, one of the problems I had and what the golf club manufacturers count on, is that some of the “knock-off”? wholesale golf clubs I was using was just flat out unreliable and technologically outdated. I’ll leave it at that and you can make your own equipment decisions, but the truth is that quality up-to-date golf equipment is now a must to compete at any level of golf.

I know some of you are laughing when I’m espousing sending that ball to its “happy place”, but I’m sure you’re going to be pretty happy when that ball is resting somewhere on golf course property and preferably in the fairway after that first tee shot. The bottom line is not to let your golf shot be the distraction while you’re listening to the other golfers trying to work out their own anxieties.

Finally, if we begin to apply some of the previously mentioned theories, we can accomplish what I consider to be the main goal and that’s reducing tension. Physical tension will kill your performance in any sport, especially golf. One of the best theories I’ve tried in this area is to consciously take a lighter grip when I feel myself tensing up. I suppose that we should probably be using this method on all of our shots with our discount golf clubs. So now we haven’t just improved our tee shot performance but our overall performance as well.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to Find The Best Golf Course in Your Area

How to Find The Best Golf Course in Your Area
As Americans have increased their disposable income and technology has increased to the point of enabling always-accessible availability, this is changing our recreational and leisure patterns. For example, Blackberries and cell phones enable employees to pursue leisure pursuits more easily. This is certainly true of golf. The great thing about these Wholesale golf clubs technologies is they allow you to be reachable for critical conversations and emails, and yet able to turn off your attention to focus on your playing time. 
Now, you most likely know about the favorite courses in your area, but if you haven’t found new courses that you can try, consider the resources available at the website below. Here are some suggestions to consider. Obviously, price is a primary consideration. Weekday fees and weekends are different, but so is time of day – maybe twilight hours are less expensive than otherwise. Availability is usually the second factor. 
Consider which courses may attract more or less players depending on Burner SuperFast 2.0 Driver your objective for your day at the links. You’ll also want to consider which courses have the length you play best on – if you’re a beginner you may want a course with wide fairways and moderate yardage. If you’re an advanced player, perhaps half of taylormade rubner superfast 2.0 driver for sale your holes could present a big challenge while still allowing you to hit a good game. Other important facets of a golf course include the driving range fees, whether food is delivered on the course, how crowded it typically is on the days and hours you’re planning to be there, and of course how far it is from your home. 

Couples says Woods needs to play like a team

Couples says Woods needs to play like a team

Couples says Woods needs to play like a team
 Woods missed the cut at the PGA Championship _ only his second tournament in four months _ and failed to qualify for the FedEx Cup playoffs. That makes him ineligible for any PGA Tour event until the first week of October. Couples is to make his two captain’s picks on Sept. 26, the day after the Tour Championship. 
U.S. captain Fred Couples wants Tiger Woods on the Presidents Cup team, Discount golf clubs provided Woods plays tournaments before he shows up at the Australian Open a week before the matches.”He can’t just show up the week before in Australia,” Couples said Wednesday at the Senior Players Championship. “I have made it clear that whoever I picked will be playing the Australian tournament the week before. But I need him to play more than just there. There’s quite a few tournaments after the Tour Championship.”

Couples and Woods are longtime friends, and when Couples agreed to return as captain, he jokingly sent Woods a text message telling him to play well so the captain wouldn’t have to waste a pick on him.

Turns out it was no joke. Because of injuries to his left leg, Woods went from the Masters on April 10 to the Bridgestone Invitational on Aug. 7 without completing a tournament.TaylorMade 2.0 Irons Then came the final major, where he missed the cut by six shots and finished out of the top 100 for the first time in a major. 
Couples said he has talked to Woods’ agent, Mark Steinberg, about playing more events and “we’re going to figure out a way that we can get this done.”Woods said upon leaving the PGA Championship that he has plenty of burner 2.0 irons time to work on his game, but he did not rule out playing more.Couples pointed to Luke Donald and Dustin Johnson, who play about two dozen times a year, and are getting better.

Quinney and Gainey take lead position at Wyndham

Quinney and Gainey take lead position at Wyndham

Quinney and Gainey take lead position at Wyndham
American golfers Jeff Quinney and Tom Gainey both shot superb rounds of 63 as they took the lead after the first day of the Taylormade r11 Driver for sale Wyndham Championship.
Quinney spent much of the day leading the pack after hitting a hot streak of five consecutive birdies from the 12th onwards at the Sedgefield Country Club in Greensboro, North Carolina whilst Gainey didn’t drop a shot the entire round.
As the Wyndham Championship is the last PGA Tour event before the lucrative end-of-season FedExCup playoffs — where only the top 125 golfers in the world will compete — the Taylromade r11 driver race is on for the requisite points to appear.
And Quinney, who is looking for his first tour title, knows that anything less than victory won’t be enough.
Further down the leader board Irishman Padraig Harrington, South African Ernie Els and Englishman Paul Casey all made strong cases for their inclusion in the FedExCup.
Casey and Els both fired rounds of 65 to keep them two shots off the lead whilst Harrington’s one under par 69 gives him hope going into the second round.
In Europe Peter Lawrie tops the leader board at the Czech Open after shooting R11 driver  a six under par round of 66.
The Irishman, who finished runner up at the Prosper Golf Resort in Celadn last year, will hope to go one better after completing a near flawless first round.
“I had no bogeys, which always helps,” Lawrie told the Associated Press.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

James Nitties wins Midwest Classic

James Nitties wins Midwest Classic
Australia’s James Nitties won the Midwest Classic on Saturday for his first Nationwide Tour title, shooting with a 6-under 65 for a five-stroke victory.
Nitties fired a closing six-under-par 65 with ping g20 irons seven birdies to win the Midwest Classic in Overland Park, Kansas by five strokes at 26-under 258.Fellow Newcastle product Nick Flanagan tied second with Sweden’s Jonas Blixt after a 68 and would have had second place money on his own but for a bogey on the last.
Nitties is playing the secondary tour after losing his main tour card last season but appears set for a swift return as his $US99,000 first prize money lifted him from 63rd to 12th on the money list.
“I’ve been waiting for this one for a while,” said Nitties, who spent the past two seasons on the PGA Tour. “It seemed like everything went my way this week. It was my day today. There’s still a lot of golf left to play this season, but this puts me in good position to get back to the tour.”He opened with rounds of 65, 63 and 65 and finished at 26-under 258 at Nicklaus Golf Club ping K15 irons at LionsGate.
“Usually I’m a streaky putter,” Nitties said. “I’ll putt good for one round and then not hole anything the rest of the week. This week, I actually holed the putts I should hole and then made the most of my opportunities.”
It’s been four years since Flanagan won three times in a season on the Nationwide Tour to earn instant promotion to the main tour.He only lasted one year there before dropping back.

TaylorMade R9 Fairway Wood Review

TaylorMade R9 Fairway Wood Review
TaylorMade has been one of the industry leaders in golf club design and manufacturing for several years.They continually put out some of the best golf equipment available.
The R9 fairways come standard with Fujikura Motore shafts that have been developed with H.I.T. (High Inertia Tip) golf clubs for sale Fujikura claims its new H.I.T. technology delivers more power to the ball by keeping more energy in the tip of the golf shaft. The TP model comes with a slightly upgraded Fujikura Motore F1 shaft.
TaylorMade’s Flight Control Technology allows you to adjust your R9 Fairway Wood to eight different head positions to launch the ball longer and straighter by changing the face angle, loft and lie angle. A new classic clubhead shape combines super-high MOI (moment of inertia) and easy-launching CG (center of gravity) position while Fujikura Motore 70-gram shaft with High Inertia Tip (H.I.T.) r11 driver for sale Technology promotes faster ball speed.
TaylorMade has also created a great looking club to go with its performance as well. Its black head with traditional shaping, and semi shallow face height really instills confidence at address. The lower center of gravity does the rest!
Taylormade introduces taylormade r9 fairway wood owner to golfers and claims it’s the great choice that features increased playability and feel. The long-term iteration within the r9, fittingly sufficient categorized as the Taylormade R9 Fairway Wood, has found out a reply to wrap up in three movable weights right into a 460cc mind that sits on an adjustable shaft making it possible for twenty four diverse weight/face position setting.

Padraig Harrington give great support on Tiger to pass Nicklaus

Padraig Harrington give great support on Tiger to pass Nicklaus

Padraig Harrington give great support on Tiger to pass Nicklaus
Padraig Harrington still puts his money on Tiger Woods breaking Jack Nicklaus’ record 18 professional majors.
Harrington played the opening two rounds of the PGA Championship with Woods, who missed the cut. Even so, the Irishman saw him hit enough good shots to realize his game will not be gone forever.
“I still believe when he turns up and plays well in a given week, I think he’s well capable of winning any major he plays in,” Harrington said Tuesday. “He still has a good ball flight. He still hits it well with the help ofr11 driver. Once he puts it together in a given week, he can win and will going forward. … OK, it wasn’t his week that week. But when it is his week, he will win again.”
Harrington said the difference now is that if something can go wrong with Woods on the course, it will. Woods was atop the leaderboard through five holes of the opening round and one tee shot into the water changed everything. He opened with a 77 and finished outside the top 100 in a major for the first time.
“This is what I would have seen at the PGA,” Harrington said. “Certain he played better, much better than his score. Whereas when he was on top of his game, he always scored really well. It was very rare that you would ever see Tiger Woods walking off a golf course with ping g20 driver where he had not got the most out of his round, where he certainly didn’t at the PGA. He got the minimum out of his rounds.”
Harrington said Woods appeared frustrated with the technical part of his game, which did not surprise him. Harrington knows better than most, since he always is tinkering with his swing.
“When you’re kind of happy with your game, you tend to get the most out of it,” he said. “You feel like you shot 70 and you end up shooting 68. And when you’re not happy with your game, you feel like you shot 70 and you end up shooting 72. I experience that myself a lot. That’s kind of what I see in Tiger’s game.”

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Neosho committee questions golf transfer

Neosho committee questions golf transfer

A proposal to pay down Neosho’s golf course debt with part of the proceeds from a one-eighth-cent capital improvement sales tax that now funds economic development was not well received by Discount golf clubs some members of the Economic Development Sales Tax Committee on Tuesday.

Council members and city staff reviewed roughly half of next fiscal year’s proposed budget Tuesday, with finance director Martha Mundt explaining the numbers as councilmen asked questions and provided insight and direction. The process will resume at a second budget work session scheduled for 6 p.m. next Tuesday at the Civic.

The municipal golf course dominated much of Tuesday night’s discussion.

The city says discontinuing its current contract with golf pro Justin Beck to independently manage the course would reduce overhead and increase revenue. But some council members, namely Ruth, argued that any potential dollar savings might very well be eaten up in employee benefits.

A revised opinion on the purpose of the economic development tax has classified it as for capital improvements. Prior to this revision, the tax had been used to not only build spec buildings to attract industry, but also to pay for r11 driver an annual chamber contract to help the city market itself around the area and at trade shows. The new definition came during the process of budget cuts. As they reviewed this year’s proposed budget, committee members noted their input was not solicited this year and hinted the administration’s non-inclusion of the governing committee smacked of the previous administration.

During the meeting Tuesday, sales tax committee member Larry Neff introduced a motion to block the use of the sales tax revenue to finance baseball or softball diamonds or a water park. The motion passed 3-2, with Hart and Davidson voting against it.

Hart, at a City Council meeting last month, had asked Moore for an estimate of the city’s cost to build cheap golf clubs baseball and softball diamonds on the former golf course land, but there hasn’t been any public talk of a water park. As part of their austerity measures, city leaders previously cut youth sports programs and turned most of them over to the Freeman Southwest Family YMCA. Some city leaders have been trying to get the programs resurrected since then as money allows.

At a budget work session later Tuesday with council members, City Attorney Steve Hays said the city’s proposed transfer of sales tax revenue from economic development to golf course debt would be legal. He said that under state law, park maintenance and improvements are considered capital improvements, and golf courses fall under the definition of parks.

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US Amateur preps 2017 Open at Erin Hills

US Amateur preps 2017 Open at Erin Hills
Set in the glacier-molded landscape of southeast Wisconsin, the 7,660-yard, par-72 course is hosting the U.S. Amateur this week and bigger things are coming down the road. In many respects, this week’s tournament is a dress rehearsal for the 2017 U.S. Open.
Earlier this week, USGA executive director Mike Davis mentioned Erin Hills’ potential to emulate elite venues such as Pebble Beach, Shinnecock Hills and Oakmont. Although the Discount golf clubs is located in Wisconsin’s scenic Kettle Moraine forest region, it’s largely treeless and looks every bit like a links-style course — except for its lack of proximity to water.
Although the course is located in Wisconsin’s scenic Kettle Moraine forest region, it’s largely treeless and looks every bit like a links-style course — except for its lack of proximity to water.
Michael Hurdzan, another architect who helped design the course, said he was happy to hear players, officials and fans back up what he has felt about Erin Hills all along.
“This golf course is a wonderful taylormade r11 irons golf course, even if it didn’t have this kind of a tournament,” Hurdzan said. “This tournament validates the fact that it is a great (course). It can test the best — and it can be a lot of fun for the average person to play as well.”
The course also is trying to win over area fans, and isn’t charging admission to this week’s tournament.The free admission enticed Brad Ricker to make the hour-and-a-half drive from Madison with r11 driver his son-in-law, Kyle Perry.
“I think this is a great course to watch golf,” Ricker said. “It’s a great venue for spectating because of the terrain. I was at Whistling Straits for the 2004 PGA Championship. This doesn’t have Lake Michigan by it but it’s gorgeous.”

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