I once suffered from a golf slice using my golf clubs for sale and tried absolutely everything to fix it until I eventually got to stage where I just gave up in frustration and accepted that it was just a part of my game.
It’s funny though, how solutions can come your way when you least expect them and that’s exactly what happened to me one day while playing with a golfer I’d never played with before who gave me just a few simple tips that ultimately fixed my slice and allowed me to find the fairway again.
Therefore what he taught me was this. Holding discount golf clubs, It all starts at the top of your backswing. Firstly you must have your shoulders square with the target, the club pointing at the target, your right elbow close to your right side and your wrists cocked with the palm of your right hand pointed at (or facing) the sky.
You may need to practice this but if you haven’t got the dexterity to swivel your hips so your shoulders are square with the target then don’t over do this as it’s not essential. You don’t want to pull a muscle or cause an injury so don’t over do it.
Then as you commence your downswing there are only two things you need to concentrate on (apart from hitting the ball of course). First you need to concentrate on keeping your wrists cocked during the downswing. Don’t consciously release them as you’ll find that you won’t be able to keep them cocked anyway because of the natural mechanics of your body. If you try and resist them from releasing you will find that they will release all by themselves which will hopefully when be when they should release anyway.
Give it a try and see how you go. It worked for me, now an ex serial slicer, but like I said I can’t guarantee it will work for you but if you’re as desperate as I was to cure your golf slice then I suppose it couldn’t hurt to try. Here’s to your success.
You can find more wholesale golf clubs at okgolfclubs.com
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