Attention golfers! Is it not about time you minded your language?
I am sure we have all come across players on the course who are shall we say, are colourful at best and downright rude at worst about your game, with their language. But they are not your biggest critic are they? No, why have to wait for someone else to randomly come along and criticise your backswing with your golf clubs for sale, or your putting grip when you have a ready -made ‘in house’ individual who does that for you, for free!
Oh, but wait a minute. Seems there is no real need to send that off to the local recruitment agency, we all know someone who is just perfect for the job, albeit with a little re-training first. In order to get to a place where you can experience golf with discount golf clubs at a level which is closer to your potential, is it not about time you took your internal cheerleader to one side and reminded him/her of their true responsibility. Remind them, that in the past, they may have been somewhat disloyal and it needs to stop now or they are out of a job. You are in charge of your own game so ensure everyone you recruit is on your side, constantly.
All the money, time and effort you spend on grooving your swing, updating your equipment and investing in coaching lessons could be spent even wiser, by sacking your poorly informed cheerleader and starting an instant recruitment programme for a new internal fan. Perhaps you could write down the job description and post it off as soon as possible or at least before your next game.
? Must have a good rounded knowledge of you and your game
? Will accept you exactly as you are, after all you’re pretty fantastic already
? Understand that the job requires very limited talking
? Will judge good and poor shots with an even and equal hand
? Can resist joining in when others start being less than complimentary
So next time you are out on the course, on the range or even travelling to the club with wholesale golf clubs for a game, keep an ear open for this internal individual. If they are supportive, accepting, willing to learn and ready to explore all the opportunities that lie ahead, then they are in. If they are harsh, sneaky, underhand and sound like a broken record, well, you know what you have to do.
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